Dragon Boy Music

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About Dragon Boy Music, Inc.

Dragon Boy Music was originally founded as the music publishing, and production entity for the music of Gary Edward Kiyan. The company has expanded its range to include music instruction and coaching, musician networking, and vintage instrument sales. In essence this is a labor of love, Gary spent a number of years working as a sideman for many prominent performers and working the national music scene as an acoustic and electric solo artist and songwriter and this site was born from all the music he has created. The firm is a division of Dragon Boy Enterprises Inc which is the corporate entity for Gary’s other business ventures, including yet not limited to his personal development coaching and business consulting enterprises. Having accumulated a number of songs that he truly loves Gary wanted a more substantial venue to market his songs and other musical services.

The firm is actually named after Gary’s son Eric Tatsuro Kiyan (his Japanese middle name means Dragon Boy), additionally, When all the components of Dragon Boy Enterprises are fully operational and profitable ten percent of the company’s profits will be donated to various charities. The goal is for the enterprises to an ongoing philanthropic aspect in addition to providing professional success, and serving humanity through those successes.

Our Mission

The primary mission of Dragon Boy Music is to provide a pure form for the original compositions of Gary Kiyan; the company recognizes the great environment that the internet is for exhibiting music, in essence allowing the song to find its audience. After writing and performing music for hire in the theater, dance, pop, rock and blues arenas, Gary started moving away from creating work for hire composing projects to simply compiling a portfolio of music that he truly loves and wanted to share not only with the circle of friends and fans who have supported him for years, moreover to brings his most loved composition to a larger audience. In an effort to find a bridge between his professional life and his spiritual practices, Gary could think of nothing better than to generate income from the download of his original music that could also generate funds for his philanthropic efforts. His desire to share his most beloved compositions with people while creating a way to help support charitable efforts has emerged as Gary’s life mission in an effort to better serve humanity through his art.

Guitar Teacher or Coaching

Please be aware to reach out to Gary to inquire about coaching and development of your current projects, the dragon boy’s are available for live performances and support of other artist as a backup band. We hope your will enjoy all the site has to offer.


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